Willemoesgade 16, kld th, 2100 København Ø
Tlf +45 35 38 40 40 - info@lydprodukter.dk
Man & Tir : Lukket / Ons - Fre : 10 - 17 / Lør : 10 - 13
I-70 is rich in sensation and full of emotions. Each register shows details, accuracy and depth. This integrated will move you by its shimmering tones and structured soundstage.
For a long time now , we’ve been thinking about developing a new reference
mixing compact design and increased performances…and KT170 tube comes,giving the starting signal of I-70 project.
This integrated is not only designed in the pure tradition with point to point wiring and hand made transformer it’s the first to integrate several features from Jadis mono- block technology.
From power supply point of view, power stage has a full separated supply makes it totally independent. Driver and power stage separated means a power stage not influenced by the other one, so 100 available. Stabilized filament voltage eliminating inducted noise.
Huge power transformer has been designed to bring dynamic and pulse power. Due to its fully new designed output transformer I-70 works in a single push-pull ultra linear with triple load configuration and then equipped with two KT170 per channel.
KT170 is a powerful tube but we prefer to take advantage of its feature to reduce distortion instead of simply focusing on its power, by choosing a functioning point different than usual.
Bias Automatic
Power 50 W
Input type 5 lines, 1 Bypass output, 2 speaker output ( for bi-wiring)
Bandwidth 10Hz à 36KHz
Sensibility 150 mV
Number of blocks 1
Tubes list 4xKT170, 2xECC83, 3xECC82
Dimensions 40 x 40 x 25.5 cm
Weight 40 KG
Consumption 500 VA